Friday, January 4, 2008

Secrets of Sri Sailam - Umamaheswaram - the North Gate to Sri Sailam

There are four gates to Sri Sailam and four sub gates in the four directions like East, West, South and North and in the northeastern side etc. The prominent four directional gates are situated at Tripurantakam on East, Alampuram on West, Siddavatam on South and Umamaheswaram on North. Out of all the eight gates, the most prominent one is on the Northern side being the Kubera Stana. This is situated around 110 kilometers from Sri Sailam in Nallamalai Forests. It is on the way to Hyderabad from Sri Sailam. This is said to be the Place for Sadhana to enjoy the divine presence of Lord. There appears to be a mango tree and most astonishingly bees used to come out of the seed shell of these mangos when broken. How and in what manner these bees were born in the seed shells of a mango fruit remains to be a unsolvable question. But some of the Sadhaks in the olden days (perhaps not beyond 50 years in the past) used to enjoy the mango fruits releasing out bees from its seed shells. The juice of the fruit after releasing the bees, should be boiled in milk and swallowed for 21 days whereupon the Divine Gates of the Yaksha Raj - Kubera are opened for the Sadhaks. There are many other secrets relating to this place which still remains to be an unsolvable interesting points beyond normal belief.
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