Goddess Ista Kameswari is located at a distance of 21 kilometers away from Sri Sailam Main Temple. There is a pucca road upto 10 kilometers and journey thereafterwards is beyond imagination. Only Jeep journey is preferred due to thick jungle. It is a tough time for the Jeep drivers to manage the Jeep on rocks and every one sitting in the Jeep has to keep his head safe due to the jerks during the journey into the deep forests. The Goddess is named as Ista Kameswari for the reason it is believed that the Goddess fulfills all the desires of the devotees. Interestingly we find skin touch at a particular point on the forehead of the Goddess while the entire idol is out of black granite stone. The temple is located in a small cave and it is not advisable to visit the temple alone. Wild animals move there for drinking water purposes and it is highly risky to visit alone without the assistance of local people.
Thanks for the info on Srisailam.Nice blog
really valuable information to the present generation who dont really know the greatness of indian gods
i visited this temple for 3 times...feeling blessed
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